Learn AWP | Advanced Work Packaging Books

“Schedule for Sale”, and “Even more Schedule for Sale”, written by Geoff Ryan, outlines everything you need to fully understand the concepts of Advanced Work Packaging.

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Schedule For Sale

Do we have a choice between good and low productivity?

We do, and most often, we make the passive choice to leave good productivity behind because we don’t fully understand the link between preparation and productivity.

Schedule for Sale is an Advanced Work Packaging guidebook on how to apply WorkFace Planning, an industry best practice first identified by The Construction Owners Association of Alberta (COAA) in 2005. The process organizes the elements necessary for productive construction, which then leads to improved quality and reduced schedule & costs from the absence of chaos. The reduction of energy consumption from the shortened schedule is also the foundation for Green Construction.

  • Also available as E-Book, Dust Jacket Hardcover
  • Published: November 2009
  • Format: Perfect Bound Softcover(B/W)
  • Pages: 200
  • Size: 6×9
  • ISBN: 9781449041960

Even More Schedule for Sale

Even More Schedule for Sale is the second advanced work packaging book by Geoff Ryan on the subject of construction productivity for industrial projects.

It describes the step-by-step application of the industry’s best practice of advanced work packaging and ties it into the logic from the first book, Schedule for Sale, on workface planning. As the name suggests, there is even more schedule to be gained over just getting the construction team organized (workface planning) by aligning engineering and procurement deliverables with the needs of construction (advanced work packaging).

This transition of workface planning into advanced work packaging is the bigger picture of construction productivity and the natural evolution of the road map that leads to the right stuff, ending up in the right place, in the right sequence.

  • Also available as: Perfect Bound Softcover, E-Book
  • Published: August 2017
  • Format: Perfect Bound Softcover(Color)
  • Pages: 132 Size: 8.5×11
  • ISBN: 9781546204305

About The Author

AWP Expert - Geoff Ryan Headshot

Geoff Ryan is a Journeyman Pipefitter, Project Management Professional and a Advanced Work Packaging Evangelist. After several Alberta mega projects as a Productivity Specialist, Geoff started his own company, Insight-AWP LLC.

Geoff and his team now work with Owners, Engineers, Project Management Teams, Constructors and Software Developers, helping them to understand and incorporate WorkFace Planning into their culture. At the time of press Insight employees had established WorkFace Planning on 6 major projects (over $300 Million each) in both Canada and the US.

Geoff has been an active member of the Construction Owners Association of Alberta, WorkFace Planning Committee since 2004 and is a chairman and founder of the WorkFace Planning Institute, a not for profit association of WorkFace Planners.

Geoff is a recognized expert in construction productivity and has authored several papers on the subject. This step by step guide on how to apply WorkFace Planning is his first book. Geoff was born in Melbourne, Australia and now lives with his wife and four teenage children in Edmonton, Alberta.

Geoff Discusses his Book on Advanced Work Packaging and Smart Construction

Geoff outlines the principles behind the book and gives a glimpse into its contents.

Geoff outlines the principles behind the book and gives a glimpse into its contents.

Listen to Geoff discuss his Advanced Work Packaging Books

Optimizing the productivity of construction-projects with workface planning

Geoff Ryan on Dresser After Dark

Innovation Anthology

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